1 min readFeb 20, 2022


“Intellectual Crime"

Not enough evidence and sample size to reach conclusion. Its nonlinear system with wide range of parameters and variables. No one is counting in the prolonged state of fear, lesser movement, less sunlight and mind-body relation.

Most of the scientists often fit the data as per theory, these days. That's why we had wayward projection of Covid deaths initially claiming millions of possible death, by using old epidemiological model. Worse is, mainstream media and journals are now so much preoccupied with sudden interest in Covid and gathering eyeballs and clicks, they are not verifying the research to highest level of scrutiny. This can easily lead to fear and paranoia.

Australia had 275,000 deaths in last 2 years, and out of that, around 2500 were Covid and mostly elderlies.

Many NGOs and hospitals are already saying lack of HIV vaccine and Cancer drugs as well as increasing prices, due to the race to find "best" Covid drug.

Perspectives are often lost, while "looking" for a pattern.

If we fixate on a pattern or a number, we will find it everywhere.

That's what pseudoscience is, numerology is, not science or mathematics.

Competition to understand Covid and come up with "breakthrough" research has led to poor scrutiny of research. No one is expert enough to be certain. So, everyone is churning out anything, as there is a demand.

Scientific rigor shouldn't be brought down, at any cost.

